God's love is
beautiful like the springtime, deep and wide as the sea, mighty as an eagle, His love cannot be beat. His mercy surpasses mountains. His love abounds eternally. He sent His son to save us. He died for you and me. The Prince of Peace was crowned with thorns. Our Savior was mocked and scorned. Betrayed by His own for some coins. To redeem us is why He was born. Everlasting, kind, merciful and true His arms are still wide open, waiting, to embrace us sinners like me and you God, I don't say this enough but, thank you. In 2024, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to spend more time appreciating God's everlasting love and abundant grace and mercy for me.
Without heroes,
there wouldn't be miracles. Without sacrifices made by brave people, many would believe all humans are cynical. Today, we honor those who never returned, and thank those who have been changed forever. We thank you for being loyal to the country you served, and appreciate you and your endeavor. Thank You Veterans for Your Service Dear Teachers...
You hold out a hand, you touch a heart, you help a soul, and lit the spark. To inspire me truly to never give up. And to reach for the stars and to just never stop. I really want to thank you for everything that you do. You are a blessing, you are a gift, you are my teacher... And I can't thank you enough for helping me grow. And I can't forget what you did to change my world. From the very
beginning you believed in us, and till the very end, shall you love us. -To the one who not only taught the mind, but the heart |
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